PO Box 72
119 Magnolia Ridge Road
Boutte, Louisiana 70039
Boutte Community Bible College is a ministry of Mount Zion Community Church in Boutte, Louisiana.
We offer Associate Degree (2 year) and Bachelor Degree (4 year) programs.
First Year (Freshmen) FALL SEMESTER
101 Life Management
102 Old Testament Survey I
103 Survey of the Bible
104 Public Speaking
105 English Composition and Grammar
106 Homiletics
Second Year (Sophomore) FALL SEMESTER
201 N.T. Studies I (Gospels)
202 Ephesians
203 Biblical Interpretation
204 Awareness of Church Government
205 English Composition and Grammar
206 Preparation for Ministry I
Third Year (Junior) FALL SEMESTER
301 Harmony of the Gospels
302 Leadership In Ministry I
303 Systematic Theology II
304 Counseling 1
305 N. T. Church History
306 Pneumatology
Fourth Year (Senior) FALL SEMESTER
401 Christology
402 Between the Testament
403 Systematic Theology IV
404 Counseling 2
405 Biblical Hermeneutics
406 Eschatology
First Year (Freshmen) SPRING SEMESTER
111 Life Management
112 Old Testament Survey II
113 Bible Doctrine
114 Youth Ministry
115 English Composition and Grammar
116 Homiletics
Second Year (Sophomore) SPRING SEMESTER
211 O.T. Studies II (History)
212 Ephesians
213 O.T. Studies I (Pent)
214 General Epistles
215 English Composition and Grammar
216 Systematic Theology I
Third Year (Junior) SPRING SEMESTER
311 Harmony of the Gospels
312 Leadership In Ministry II
313 Systematic Theology III
314 Counseling 1
315 N. T. Church History
316 Pneumatology
Fourth Year (Senior) SPRING SEMESTER
411 Christology
412 Between the Testament
413 Systematic Theology IV
414 Counseling 2
415 Biblical Hermeneutics
416 Eschatology
Course Descriptions
101/111 Life Management God’s Way
This course deals with how to make proper decisions, the management of the soul, spirit, finances, and time. The course emphasis is on how to set realistic Biblical goals, develop a genuine Biblical vision, and manage one’s body.
102/112 Old Testament Survey I
This course is an introduction of the Old Testament through the Book of II Samuel.
Part II: This course is continuation of Old Testament from 1 Kings through Malachi.
103 Survey of the Bible
This course involves the study what the bible teaches about God’s Word itself, God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.
104 Public Speaking
This course is a study of the requirements for effective oral communication.
105/205 English Composition and Grammar I
This course involves the use of English for written communication, including exposition, analysis and argumentation. Topics include grammar, proper sentences structure, paragraph development, word usage and essay preparation.
106/116 Homiletics
This course offers an introduction to homiletics, which is the art of preaching. Also, the spiritual preparation, development, sermon preparation and delivery. Also, the other topics covered will be developing sermon themes, preparing introductions, conclusions, and outlining.
113 Bible Doctrine
This course consists of students understanding the doctrine of the Christian faith in a systematic order.
114 Youth Ministry
This course is to coach you through a plan to build a healthy youth ministry.
116 Homiletics
This course designed to give full and practical introduction- craft of preaching, principles of sermon construction involving the delivery of sermons.
201 New Testament Studies (Gospels)
This course is a study of the four Gospels, paying attention to the style and approach of each writer.
202/212 Ephesians
This course is a practical study of the Paul’s letter to the Church at Ephesus on practical and spiritual application.
203 Biblical Interpretation
This course examines the basic principles and specific guidelines of biblical interpretation with a focus on the historical-grammatical interpretation and application of the Scriptures.
204 Awareness of Church Government
This course consist of study of the various types of Church government.
206 Preparation for Ministry I
This course consist of two basics of Christian preparation for ministry, including the believer’s attitude and the responsibilities of the armor-bearer in the Body of Christ.
211 Old Testament Studies I (Pentateuch)
This course is a study of the first five books of the Bible.
213 Old Testament Studies II
This course is a study of Historical books
214 General Epistles
This course consist of basic study of the General Epistles which includes James, I and II Peter, I, II, III John and Jude.
216 Systematic Theology I
This course is an introduction of Systematic Theology, starting with Bibliology and Basic Theology.
301/311 Harmony of the Gospels
The course consists of survey the earthly life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the four canonical gospels.
302/312 Leadership in Ministry I and II
This course is a study in Ministrial leadership, including the responsibilities and obstacles of leadership, and learning the basic tenets of leadership. Also, why ministries fail, counseling, finances, and the dynamics of Christian maturity.
303/313 Systematic Theology II and III
This course is a continuation of Systematic Theology I, studying Angelology, Demonology, Anthropology and Christology, Ecclesiology, Hamartiology and Soteriology.
304/314 Counseling I and II
This course introduces the concept of biblically-based, Christ-centered counseling. Course distinctives includes: a thorough explanation of biblical counseling, the role and character of the counselor, the relationship of counseling to the local church and comparing biblical counseling model with secular counseling models.
305/315 New Testament Church History
This course consists of a study of Early New Testament history and its impact on modern civilization.
306/316 Pneumatology
This course is the study of the Holy Spirit. Pneumatology is the investigation of biblical and historical understandings of the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
401/411 Christology
This is the study concentrating on the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
402/412 Between the Testament
This is a study of the background for the New Testament’s Political and Cultural settings, defining how they impacted the New Testament peoples.
403/413 Systematic IV
This course consists of Pneumatology.
405/415 Hermeneutics
This course introduces the student to principles and guidelines for interpreting the Old and New Testament.
406/416 Eschatology
This course consists of the topic of eschatology, or the end times, but what does the Bible say about this extraordinary subject? What future has God planned for his creation and his people?